Sale Prep - Day 15
Things are sort of out of my hands at this point. A lot is happening, but I need to be able to work and feel as though I am actually contributing. Soooooo, I made cookies again for both our neighbor and our painter. And I documented that.
This is a personal recipe that I invented as a kid. I took my favorite cookie recipes (I actually baked a lot as a kid, and still do) and I added some sugar and vanilla, because I felt like there wasn't enough of those elements. Over the years, I've adjusted other things and perfected my recipe so that it is my very favorite cookie ever.
But I also believe in variety, so I made my standard chocolate chip and I also made some brownie cookies that are basically cookie shaped brownies and they are delicious and amazing.
First, you make the chocolate part.
Then you make the vanilla part, which is the standard cake/brownie base.
Mix them together . . .
And ouila! BEAUTY!
And I made cookies for our painter because our painter did this:
Isn't that a freaking beautiful door?!?!?
Labels: Remodel