Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Creative Tracker

I have been inspired.

Have you ever met someone who is amazing in practically every right? Someone who is intelligent, driven, ambitious, nice, beautiful, and downright tall?

Yep, you guessed it, my big sis JQ.

So, JQ has a secondary blog where she is tracking her writing progress. Now, mind you, this isn't just a blog like I used to do "I wrote three sentences today, yeah for me, and then I had ice cream to celebrate" this is a blog where she is tracking all of the amazing things that she does and all of the contests and competitions that she has submitted her work to.

So, I thought, maybe I, too, could be creatively driven if I wrote down what I do, as a motivational technique. Then I thought I would start up a new blog to track it, keep them separate. (And for those of you who think I have a second blog up and running already, you're wrong. I don't. Really. Look into my eyes....)

But then I thought that I should just do a self-check every once in a while and blog about it. That way you guys can tell me if I haven't done anything in a while! (I will yell at you and probably cry, but you could be right!)

Here is the update for today:
Reading - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, J.K. Rowling
Just Finished Reading - The Naked and the Dead, Norman Mailer
Photography - Did some product photography for work yesterday and I have five engagement photos to print up sometime in the next few weeks.
Writing - Haven't really. Last thing I wrote was a poem and it was...murky.
Kung Fu - Have to go back tonight. MUST GET BLUE SASH!!
Piano - I played the first dozen or so measures of "The Storm" the other day. Made me miss it.
Bass - It's pretty.
Guitar - SPF plays so well...
Inspiration - My sister.


At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord woman, Chill!

At 5:04 PM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

but...i was inspired...

At 6:39 PM, Blogger JQ said...

You are also an amazing woman. It must be in the genes...

And talk about inspiration - I was Kung-Fu crazy for weeks after I came to your tournament... if only they had Plum Blossom in LA. WHEN WILL THEY MOVE UP HERE?!


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