Thursday, October 07, 2004

Brooks Institute

I have filled out half of an electronic form for Admission to the Brooks Institute of Photography.

I have been commiserating about my lack of technical expertise in this area for too long. I will end up an auditor for the rest of my life unless I make a change. I have been thinking about how I will build my equity base, and maintain my current property, and get more and more and more, and what finally struck me is that I am doing all of this for the possible potential to someday have enough time, money, and freedom to do what I love, and that is photography. Even Book 1 is a hopeful attempt to find an alternate income source so that I can pursue my visual art dream.

I am tired of dreaming. I am tired of letting my life slip through my fingers with nothing to show for it but middle-America belongings and a fabulous husband. I love my husband, but I am pretty sure that he loves me for more than just our condo. (If not, we are going to have a SERIOUS talk later on. Sugar momma my ass.)

Seriously, though, why not? What has this life provided me? What have the past four years of dedicated service to the man given me? The financial freedom to pursue my real dream. I have a condo, I can rent that condo and KEEP the equity. I have stock. I can sell that stock and pay for Brooks IN FULL. Isn't this what I have been pursuing? Aren't I in that state RIGHT NOW? Yes, you could always make just a little more, wait just a little longer, save those few precious pennies, but in the end, what I want, what I really NEED, is to TRY to get my photography CAREER off the ground. Plus, I would still be close to my big sis and that is a HUGE relief.

Okay, I am almost crying I am so excited. I need to talk to my husband, but I think this is something I should really do.


At 11:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!! This is awesome! I think I know exactly what you mean, only we did it kind of backwards (me and James) from the way you're doing it. No right / wrong way, just different.

I have been feeling this growing contentment thinking about purchasing real estate because it will mean for us we can stick it out here and keep trying at this goal BUT not feel like we're sacrificing our future / finanical possibilities because now we'll start getting EQUITY so we'll have options in the future. Also I had this brain explosion recently: I am happy writing this script because it's the kind of thing I'd like to do myself / make myself / write / read myself. So if we get our feet under us financially, we can pursue making our own stuff and not worry so much about whether "The Studio" will like it and fund us. This life is too short to wait for someone else to hand you your dreams. You've got to go for it. GO FOR IT!!!

Love, JQ (or TDJQ "The Democrat JQ")

At 2:30 PM, Blogger Tamara said...

Congratulations! It is a scary thing to embark on an artistic endeavor but I believe it is worth it. (And I know you don't know me, but I know JQ and Wamez..)

Good luck, and I hope you get to make your dream come true.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

JQ - You are one of the reasons I want to pursue this. I know it won't be easy, but I admire that you are struggling for something you believe in, and something that makes you happy.

Tamara - I do not know you, but I like your commenting style as I have seen on wamez and JQs sites, and thank you for the good karma! We should have JQ and JB set up a meet and greet.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger wamez said...

M - You should check out T & A if you like T's commenting style. She has an even better blogging style. You will laugh. Trust me.

Also, GO FOR IT! Let us know what we can do to help...besides sell screenplays and become independently wealthy by which you would become independently wealthy. It may happen, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

We'll keep you updated.


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