Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Week One, Session Four

Session Four. Fourth session. Quatro. Shi. IV. Where has the time gone? Six months down and I have a website up and running, so what will I have in another six? Clients? If all goes well.

So far we have been assigned only our first assignment. It is due one week from tomorrow, but I think I have it done. I am going to go and talk to my fourth instructor about it tomorrow afternoon during his office hours. I am hoping that he approves so that I can focus on the next two assignments, both of which are due on Monday and both of which we have not yet been assigned. I am charging my rechargeable batteries in case it is a flash assignment.

Have I mentioned how much I love the flash? Every photo shoot that I have screwed up so far in life I have screwed up because I didn't know how to properly utilize my flash. That's two weddings and a philanthropic event. I already have a pretty good idea of how to never have those same mistakes again. By the end of this class, I will be able to market myself for professional work. This is the turning point class, or so the instructor tells us. I am going to keep on top of this class and really push myself. I want to be sure to do work that I am proud of again. I don't really feel very confident about the stuff I did last session, and that is a horrible feeling.

At any rate, I should probably sign off for the next two months, just in case I don't have any more time to write, ever. I will certainly try, but no promises.


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