Thursday, November 03, 2005


I am about to explode. It is official now. I have given notice at my job. I have signed the enrollment agreement. I am going to the Brooks Institute of Photography in May.


I have been somewhat out of sorts since I told my boss. She took it very well, at first, and was very supportive and told me that she knows that this is what I want to do and was very happy for me. She is actually a fan of my work, having seen some of the engagement photos that I did for a friend. It was later on in the day when she started to hyperventilate, so I know that not only does she really support me from her instinctual reaction, but she also respects my corporate contributions. I will miss her.

But I think, and she agrees, that I would regret not trying more than I would regret failing and returning to the corporate world, to which I always have at least two standing job offers. That is not only encouraging, but also motivating, because I actually have nothing to lose!! With the exception, of course, of the tens of thousands of dollars of tuition. Posh. No worries there!

My stock is also doing very well right now, which means that I also have a nice little cash pile to fall into in case anything goes horribly wrong. But our luck has to change now (knock on wood) it has been almost a year of frustration and insult upon injury, but things seem to be looking up at last!!! The wall is being diligently installed, our house seems stable, Jimmy is still tarped off and protected, the cats are healthy, family is in good spirits, so maybe we are on the up swing. (Knock on wood, Knock on Wood!)

At any rate, friends, it is time that I told the world, because hiding in my little secret world is starting to wear on me. So now you all know. It is a sure thing, no matter how many times I pinch myself to ensure alertness and sanity.


At 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:05 PM, Blogger JQ said...


At 5:29 PM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! and nervous.

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eleanor Roosevelt said something like, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." You do and it does!


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