Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's a Way of Life

I work with a woman who weighs 332 pounds. In an effort to get her weight problem under control, she is fasting for ten days. She has some sort of drink that she has six times a day, but she is starting to look faint, and the circles under her eyes that I never really noticed before have become pronounced. Why?

Now don't get me wrong. I understand that fasting can be an excellent way to clean our your system, and I have known many people that have done this, but usually they are already super healthy and use this as an extra little boost of health. I am actually concerned about this woman. I walk by her desk more often to be sure that she hasn't collapsed. She says that she knows a woman who lost 21 pounds in ten days. That isn't healthy!!! Even with South Beach, you are only supposed to lose ten the first week, and then two a week after that. The shock and awe period has to be limited, or your body will believe you are starving to death and use your protein to sustain itself, reserving your fat for the final days. Protein is muscle. Muscle is necessary to move your body around.

She has a book called "Fasting as a Way of Life." I can't help but find irony in this. How about "Eating Small, Healthy Meals Regularly Throughout the Day as a Way of Life?"


At 9:32 AM, Blogger JQ said...

Dude. Seriously.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

I know, for real, right?

At 3:57 PM, Blogger ears said...

Curious question: How do you know that she weighs, or weighed (if the fasting is working), exactly 332 pounds? Most large people I know would not state that kind of information.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

She told me. What she actually said was, "If I wanted to weigh 132, I would have to lose two hundred pounds." I did the math.


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