Thursday, November 10, 2005


I had an emotional breakthrough today. I am terrified of Brooks. (This is not the breakthrough) but I am MORE terrified of NOT going to Brooks. For tons of reasons. I don't want to resent myself, my SPF, my kids...even though it would be only MY choice if I did not go. I don't want to say "what if...?" "if only..." or "I could have..." in regards to my career. This is the life that I want. I am afraid because it will be a long and hard road, but this is what I want to do. That is actually a huge breakthrough because I have been focusing so much on whether or not I want to even go, as opposed to searching the reasons behind my concerns and my fears. Yay!!! Okay, thanks.

If this makes no sense to you, don't worry.

If this makes perfect sense to you, then I probably owe you an apology for telling you that you didn't know what you were talking about. (You know who you are.)


At 5:54 PM, Blogger JQ said...


At 10:45 AM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Yes, you probably do deserve an apology. That, and you deserve a pat on the back for remaining positive in the face of my self-doubt. Good show! Have you restarted the Artist's Way? I need to. I think it would be really good for me.

At 8:11 PM, Blogger JQ said...

I TOTALLY need to. I meant to last Sunday. Maybe I should sit down right now and read Chapter 1 again. Hm.


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