Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Joss Me, Baby!!

Okay, so can anyone tell me why Joss Whedon is not currently encased in gold? He is brilliant. I admit that there are times when an episode of Buffy or Angel is slow, but on the extreme whole, they are amazing. And Firefly? No comparison! Never a dull moment. So why? Why is Joss not King? Why is TV Land so STUPID??? I am angry at how horrible television is now, so the fact that GOOD television is being canceled makes me glower with RAGE.

Saw the ends of a season each of Buffy and Angel and am now waiting for the next season to take the train down from LA. That is not a metaphor. And now I look at Tivo and am depressed, because the only things that I want to watch are CSI (seen them all), Invader Zim (may have seen them all), Scrubs (love it), The Venture Brothers (no comment), and The Gilmore Girls. Which leaves me about four hours of watchable TV a week.

I know, I know, I should read, or write, or 'rithmatic, but sometimes you need that vacant moment to drain from the day. Has Wonderfalls been released on DVD yet?


At 9:39 AM, Blogger JQ said...

Funny you should ask that... I know for a FACT that if it has not been released on DVD yet it is coming soon. Very soon. And you must see it.

In other Joss news... i stumbled across the Serenity website and in a fit of ecstatic geekishness tried to "join the brown coats" which is some silly points contest - I think to promote the movie? Now I feel like a preteen girl for joining... but I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger JQ said...

Okay, I carried my geekiness to further heights and posted the link on my blog. Ah me. Whatever. I want this movie to be such a smashing slam dunk of a success that the Fox Ex who cancelled the show never works in this town again. Or seeks redemption by pleading with Joss to come back and continue the series. Yeah. Of course, now Mr. Whedon is moving on to directing feature films - he's doing "Wonder Woman" next which I'm sure will be great (if he's writing) but I want him back in TV. Where I can partake of his genius every week instead of once every couple of years.

At 9:01 AM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Wonder Woman? NOOOO!!! I want more Firefly, more Buffy, more TV. He RULES the land of TV. Of course, I am starting to get the impression that after the Serenity release, he will rule the big screen as well.


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