Unappreciated and Angry
So, there is only so much abuse that any one person can stand from an employer. Granted, that threshold is different for everyone, but it exists. Personally, I think my threshold is relatively high. I have worked for misogynists, ladder-climbers, ego-maniacs, and incompetent boobs. I have survived all.
Until now, that is. There is something fundamentally wrong with being verbally praised by the department heads of every other department in your company buy your own, AND berated by YOUR department manager in the SAME MEETING!
Am I a threat? Is my intelligence encroaching upon sacred territory? Are you deaf, dumb, and blind? Not to mention that, if the 'threat' aspect is the reason for this behavior, I am LITERALLY FIVE JUMPS away from this creep's position in the company, and there is no way in great, screaming jehosaphat that I would, could, or should take on that position.
At least the other department heads know that I am a valuable contributor to the company. That has to speak for something, right?
He must see you as a threat. I assume "he" because there's something about the way some little boys grow up where they believe they are more suited for "command" than little girls, and when a woman proves to be good at her job their universe falls apart. I have been told by a male director that woman can't direct because a woman can't think about more than one thing at any given moment. HUH?! Leaving aside that that is just stoopid, he would know this because he's been a woman for... oh, that's right, never. Bastard.
That being said, there are wonderful men in this world. You and I have married a couple of great examples. Men who are not afraid to let us be the amazing women we are. It does not diminish them, because they are REAL MEN.
Yes, he is a "he" in all the badness that that can represent.
I once had a Physics professor tell me that women do not have appropriate minds for Physics and I would be better suited for Computer Science. This while I was third in my class, worked for a woman Physicist, and was giving him the courtesy of letting him know I was leaving the department because I WANTED to pursue other things. Not because I was stupid or struggling or...or ANYTHING that would force me to leave. Dumbass.
At any rate, I am also supported and surrounded by people who understand my worth and are kind enough to tell me pretty regularly. We shall see what comes of everything.
This makes me sick. This guy is hurting the company. If/when you leave, they will be hurting. If I were the CEO, I would want to know about this (and not through the exit interview process). Can you go to this guy's boss and explain the situation and say that you are afraid of reprisal and would like to have them observe his behavior? I don't know the company and thius might be suicide but again, I would want to know.
I love you, Dad, but most of them DON'T want to know. That's the crazy thing. I tried to talk to my bosses, bosses, boss about a project that he was trying to do and how it could hurt the company if he didn't do it right. He told me "change is hard" and I said "okay, but I don't care if you change, just do it right." He looked at me like I had droopy boogers. (For those of you who are not aware of that look, it is a combination of disgust and sadistic amusement.) Needless to say, they didn't implement it correctly, and it did hurt the company.
I don't know, I think these guys are so far out of the loop that they don't realize, or want to realize, what their people do. They judge their employees entirely on their bottom line and their deliverables. Which gets translated to, never promote an employee who deserves it (too expensive), and push your people as hard as you can to get results (even though you don't do anything yourself.)
What I'm hoping is that they will HAVE to notice soon. If I do leave, I will be the fifth person since October to leave his department. Doesn't that say something? And all this when the FDA is coming in and we are moving to a higher class product. They need Quality more now than ever. They also might realize that after the FDA, but we'll see.
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