Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Brain Child

I would have never thought it possible, but I have a new brain child book idea. It is growing sloppily out of stolen minutes of frantic typing, but none-the-less, a Book other than the fantasy series that TOR didn't want is beginning to blossom.

I think the reason it is finding its way onto the page is mostly because it is modern fiction. Unlike the series that still simmers in the back of my mind, this one is set in the US, with common Americans, and no prophecies or magic or sages...just a regular family.

I don't want to write too much about it because it doesn't really have form yet, but I am glad that something else can pass the time between now and when I can get around to a page one rewrite of Book 1. I will call the other New Book for now. We will have to wait to see what happens with it.


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