Monday, August 30, 2004

My Sister's Brilliant Creativity

My sister told me about a screenplay idea last night and it was really good. It has that element of "never been done before" that makes all the great things in the world truly great.

Not that I would ever COMPARE myself to my sister, but I suck. My stupid book lacks that element of new and wonderful story that draws you in. I am at a total loss. I know that a book can still be good (in a mediocre sort of way) without the amazing, brilliant aspect, but at the same point in time I know that truly GREAT works don't ever come without that element.

This is depressing.

There is a new guy at work who just accepted an entry level position doing something that he has never done before. Boss lady let me look at his resume and he has spent the past five years as a freelance writer for various medium-sized papers around the country. What's weird is that now he is asking $11.00 an hour for a steady paycheck and benefits.

Just goes to show that the grass is always greener...


At 1:51 PM, Blogger JQ said...

Okay - things to do today:
1) Schedule ass-kicking for my supertalentedfragalisticexpialidiocious sister who is too a creative contributor to the world and who forgets that I have read part of her book and it does so have something unique and worthy to say. Check.
2) Reserve room at urgent care to recover from "ass-kicking for my (see above and add "kung-fu master") sister". Check.
3) Repeat as necessary. Check.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Ahhhh. Such a sweet sister. Let me rewrite it and I will let you reread it and then I will take your advice, constructive criticism, and praise. For now, I am moody and sulky and therefore find it difficult to believe anyone on anything.

At 3:32 PM, Blogger JQ said...

Ah yes, I know this place. I have mapped out part of it, but it is a vast and varied land. Hm. Oh, if you happen upon the Lake of Despair, I'd avoid the temptation to jump in there. That's not a lot of fun, it took me about 6 months to struggle back to the surface. This is not to be confused with the Bog of Eternal Stench or the Forbidden Forest, both of which are delightful in comparison.

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Yeah. It doesn't help that I haven't been able to go to Kung Fu because I pulled my Quad.


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