Monday, August 30, 2004

Page One

There is something incredibly daunting about the phrase "page one rewrite" but I am at the point with Book One that I think it needs it. At least the first chapter. I have rewritten the prologue to be much, MUCH more robust, so now it seems that the rest of the novel needs some attention as well. I have been away from it for so long that I am able to really, objectively look at if for probably the first time, and it is scattered, chaotic, and uninteresting. The first five pages, that is. The rest of it I have not yet re-read.

My goal is to read the whole thing, find the good points, identify the bad points, and come up with a plan to really clean it up. I think Book Two is on a semi-permanent hiatus anyway. It was starting to get weird. I know that these books have basically written themselves, but in truth, I don't know where it is going anymore. And the really sad part is that the scenes that play themselves out in my mind on a regular basis are in Book Three and Book Four, and so I haven't written them down yet. I don't want to write them now, because momentum changes things for the better sometimes, but I also don't want to say farewell, because they are truthfully why I am writing in the first place.


On a good note, Kung Fu comes back today. I am a little nervous, but also excited. I just hope my chest protector is in. I don't want to borrow or anything, I just want to have. I think getting back into it will bring some of the fire back into my life. I need that. It is a fabulous release.

Anyway, enough for now.


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