Thursday, September 22, 2005

Gone for a Swim

After visiting the temple yesterday I found a need to contemplate my life. Nothing drastic or self-deprecating, just a need to be alone and think. I have found over the past few years that living near the ocean has made me crave it when I find myself searching for answers or peace. For some reason being under water and emerging again to the open air is calming to me, and clears my head enough that I can focus on whatever it is that is bringing me confusion.

There is an ocean here, about an hour away, but I thought that might be a strange request for a taxi, so I went to the hotel pool at about 8:00 and swam. I was completely alone, aside from the sound of the hustle and bustle of the city gone metropolitan. Cars, people, horns, music, a cacophony of city life from the rooftop of my home away from home. Being under water made that go away, too. No sound, no fury, just peace. It was not unlike the peacefulness of the temple, although achieved in a different manner.

I thought I was alone aside from one attendant in the corner whose job it was to have me sign a bill before I could leave the pool. He would glance up occasionally, but for the most part was busing himself with paperwork. I was floating on my back, looking up at the dusk sky with my ears under the surface just to be at peace with the world when something flew into and out of my view. And then again and again. After a couple of passes I figured out his rhythm and was able to watch more closely on his next pass. He was a tiny fruit bat, skimming the water for tiny bugs. There was an art to his process, and he stayed a minimum of five feet from me at all times and would dive bomb the water only within a specific radius, though he flew directly above me on his second pass almost every time.

I don't know why, but I was fascinated by watching him. His wingspan couldn't have been more than the length of my hand, and his little ears made an unmistakable silhouette against the darkening sky. He was aware of me, that was certain, but didn't seem to have any fear. For some reason I found this very peaceful as well. Just watching him fly by as I floated along in the water below. It is actually calming just to think of it now. So very peaceful. Strange what the little things can do for us.


At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must have some of my merperson blood! I cannot think of a more peaceful setting than swimming in a lake. You did well to find a closer substitute than the ocean. Also, bats are fascinating little creatures. He knew you were too big to eat, but maybe was hoping some insect didn't and would land on you. I am glad you found some alone time, and shared it with a bat.

At 2:00 PM, Blogger JQ said...

I know exactly what you mean. Once, when JB and I were living in the crazy house (and I was having a particularly crappy week), he told me he was taking me for a drive and didn't tell me where. It was to the ocean because he said I always seem more centered after a visit. It really makes a difference...

Add to that a few moments alone with a bat, it sounds very relaxing indeed! :)


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