Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Am I the only one with Fingers?

I have been noticing a pointed lack of blogs from those that I read. The current updates are weeks old and the comments grow into wacky land. Maybe that means I am reading them too often, or maybe I am too dependent on friend and family updates, but seriously people, you need to blog. Either that or I need to start reading other blogs regularly, and not those of people I care about. Any suggestions?


At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES! read:

She is hilarious. And she got fired for blogging about work - it's in the dictionary as "dooced" as in, "if you're not careful with what you write about your boss you're going to get dooced" (not you - though... ??? do they know about this thing?!)



At 1:52 PM, Blogger wamez said...

The condo has hijacked my fingers. They are bloody and sore.

I'm trying to find replacements.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Try toes. That would be funny to read, at least.

I have read Dooce and it was interesting, but I don't know her, so it can only be interesting for awhile. Well written, to be sure, but I think I would come back to that blog at a different stage in my life.

Does anyone write Adventure blogs? Maybe I should try.

At 11:21 PM, Blogger wamez said...

Who's got fingers now?


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