What the Hell is a Diopter?
It has something to do with optics, specifically the optics of eyes. According to the Nikon salesman that visited us during orientation week, the eyes naturally change up to two diopters over the course of the day. What this basically means is that your eyes lose the ability to focus. This is particularly troubling when you are shooting the technical assignment of the session once the light of the day has gone to avoid conflicting lighting of the scene. This means starting a shoot around 8:00 at night. With this particular assignment it also means shooting until at least 2:00 in the morning. This assignment is graded on an element called "critical focus." So, when your eyes lose their diopters, you can't determine if you have "critical focus" which makes you go crazy!!!!
Of the fourteen shots that I have slaved over for the assignment, I would say that probably five of them are out of focus. Match that with the exposure issues due to some extreme bellows compensation and probably seven of the shots need to be reshot. Which means another, oh I don't know, ten hours of work. And that doesn't include the two hours to develop the negatives, another hour for standard printing, and at least five hours for presentation. All this by Wednesday at 9:30 in the morning.
So sorry. On the bright side, it isn't all of them that need to be reshot. That probably doesn't help much right now. Good luck with it.
Turns out there are five to be reshot. Not horrible. I will have to get on that and try to get some perfect images. I NEED to pass this assignment, or there goes my GPA. And before any of you tell me that I shouldn't be so concerned with grades, I'll just remind you that I missed out graduating With Honors from Purdue by ONE ONE HUNDREDTH OF A POINT! (3.76 was the cut off, I had a 3.75.) NEVER AGAIN!!!!!
Huh. I thought a diopter was the thing you looked through on the viewfinder that you could adjust depending on your eye's ability to focus. I didn't realize it was a unit of measurement.
Also, this explains why my eyes start to hurt at midnight every night after staring at a max-brightness TV screen for the past 8 hours. And why compression gets harder and harder to judge the later it gets
Yep. How they feelin' now? I think you should go home.
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