Thursday, January 26, 2006

Little Foot

Brooks has proven to have a pretty enigmatic personality, but one that is most certainly her own. She still attacks Isis, though Isis now seems to not only expect it, but tolerate it and, on occasion, even to attempt to transition the attack into a cleaning session, which usually results in her trying to lick Brooks' paws as they fly at her face. Brooks and Osiris have become staring competitors, though they have also been seen to interact on a friendly level, which I admit I wasn't expecting. And to us she is...unpredictable. One night she will keep us up the whole night attacking the comforter where our feet, hands, and bodies are twitching as we drift off to sleep, and are shocked back awake, time and time again. The next night she will sleep comfortably on the bed with us and not disturb us all night long.

Last night was one such night. I woke up without provocation around 2:30 and found Brooks sleeping between SPF and I, her head on his pillow as if she belonged there with the rest of her clan. It was too cute not to pet, so I reached out and petted her and she calmly woke up, stretched, and started to purr. After a little while she decided to explore the bed so, of course, I am cursing myself for waking her fearing the retribution of the claws, but she just walked around purring. I was hot under the covers so I had one leg outside the comforter and wrapped around back onto the bed while the rest of me stayed under the comforting weight of the blankets. She explored my leg and ended up curling up in the crook of my foot where she promptly fell asleep, purring contentedly until I drifted off to join her.


At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember this the next time exploring turns to playtime.

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Which, of course, was last night. She was promptly shut out of the bedroom at 11:30.


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