Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Measuring Success by Google

Here's a terrible idea. Go to Google and google yourself. See how many times Google finds you and not a semblance of you. (i.e. if my name were Jane Smith, Google might find Jane Doe cowrote the novel with Jack Smith, and that would not be me...then again I am not Jane Smith, so the point is moot, but you get the drift.)

Here is an even worse idea. Google your family and friends. Google your arch nemesis. Google your dog.

Here is the worst idea of all. Compare your Google specs to those of the people you know and compare your worth to theirs by accurate Google representations.

I don't know why I do this. This has NO BEARING on reality, on my success in life, business, or as a human being, but yet I search. One of the people I googled (I am not naming names) had an INTERNATIONAL site, written in what I assume is Kanji.

Google finds me exactly four times. Twice for photos I won awards for five years ago, and twice for the work I did in college. I know that this isn't accurate, but Google makes me think that I haven't accomplished anything since 2001, and, even worse, that I haven't done enough of worth to even fill one full Google page!!!

I know that by writing this all of you will now go and google yourselves, and for that I am sorry. I just couldn't keep this little nugget to myself. For those of you who have tons and tons of googles...I know, I looked you up.


At 2:57 PM, Blogger JQ said...

Oh, honey. Google is a fickle mistress. You are much more than the sum of your Google hits.

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has a formal name - "ego searching" jqte

At 8:17 PM, Blogger wamez said...

I show up less than you.

Unless I'm a dead poet. In which case, I was huge.

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Moose Tucker said...

Interesante. I know it is fickle, and I know it is vain, but I couldn't resist!!! Part of me was curious if people who wanted to find me would be able to...and that led to...well...this blog.

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I haven't tried it, but I don't think I am googleable. However, that is how a bride found cs to do her wedding. I find it a little scary actually. I like my anonymity! I reach out to people whom I want find me. Not all life is measured via the information highway!


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