Friday, June 03, 2016

Sale Prep - Day 0

Okay, so I know I've been away for a while.  It's true.  Turns out, I work really hard between September and May (Fall and Spring semesters) teaching at a variety of places (I'm known as a freeway flyer - aka Adjunct Instructor) and I didn't even have time to finish up the last project on the blog, which I now intend to do.  But, wouldn't you know it, SPF and I decided to sell our condo.  This beautiful, customized, spectacular space that we have worked so hard to make ours.


But, yes, it has also served to make this space really, really, really attractive to future buyers.  So YAY!

But, I'm just letting you know, check back frequently.  The times, they are a changing.

And so are the walls.



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