A Day at the Lake
Yesterday was Lake Day. As much as we enjoyed our adventures in the wilderness with the foxes and the bears, we were thinking that trout might be more our speed for the day. So, we rented a canoe and paddled around the tiny McGillivry Lake for two and a half hours. It was actually tremendously relaxing. Well, for me at any rate. I was the "captain" and the "photographer" and SPF was pretty much my row boy. :)
Although we did explore two small islands in the middle of the lake. The first we named Adventure Island. It could be completely explored in about three minutes, but getting onto the lake was an exercise in balance, ingenuity, and the courage to face the possibility of falling into freezing Canadian waters. There wasn't a good place to pull the boat up onto shore, so we pulled up next to a fallen tree and I climbed onto the island via log bridge and tied the canoe to another stump on the land. It was then a matter of climbing over a bunch of other debris to get to the actual island, but it was worth it.
The second we named Wilderness Island. The main wildlife was mosquitoes, but our handy dandy insect repellent assured us a warm, buzzing welcome free from bites. Mostly free, at any rate. SPF fared worse that I, his neck looks like he is pox infected and contagious. But, he is not, I assure you. Merely nibbled a bit. This one we found more land to drag the boat up onto and again I tied us up (sailor's training, you know, I have some knots up my sleeve) and then we explored what we could reach. This island was much larger and we couldn't find paths around to the bulk of it because we were blocked at various turns by thick brush, trees, fallen trees, marsh land, and the occasional swarm of particularly oppressive mosquitoes. Ahhhhh, fun times. None-the-less, Wilderness Island was a great deal of fun. As was the lake.
We then came back to the lodge and played chess three times and he beat me every time. Again. I understand your frustrations, JQ. Although, truthfully, he says I was doing better every game. I thought I had him on the last one but made a really stupid move and lost my rook. After that I had two pawns and my king. I was really close, though. I had him on the ropes, until his pawn made it across and had a sex change/empowerment session and became a Queen. She was not nice.
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