My MFA Buddy
I have a friend in the MFA program that suggested that I start a blog about my MFA project that I can write about every day. I think it is a kind of awesome idea, but I don't want to start it here, because here I like to think I have maintained anonymity. Stop laughing. You may be able to figure out who I am if you read all of the blogs. Then again, you can probably find out if you read just the last year's worth. Or, truthfully, just search MFA on this blog and you can find out how many MFA 1st year students there are at Brooks that teach English. Crap. Well, so even if you know who I am, not everyone does. At any rate, I may start a blog on another page in another way, but I will link to it from this page. Just not back to this one from that one. Shhhhh.
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