A Grim Grimm Tale
Ultimately, I think this was a very interesting idea, but poorly executed. The script needed work and couldn't decide if it wanted to be serious and gruesome or slapstick funny, which resulted in several awkward moments where you are just horrified. The effects were pretty good, the directing moderately better, but I have to say I was absolutely thrilled by the performance of Heath Ledger. He is a remarkable talent and seems to squeeze into completely different roles with ease. Beautiful job. Matt wasn't half bad either, though the nuances of Heath's performance were more commendable. All in all, though, I think this one is a renter at best.
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Ummm. Sorry, anonymous 659848, but my site has nothing to do with raw food. I don't think I have ever blogged about sushi or uncooked vegetables, and I don't believe in steak tartar, because that would be weird and there is mad cow disease and all, and I am not a big fan of raw eggs because of salmonela (sp?), so bugger off, eh?
Ah the blog spammers... sigh.
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