Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Office Remodel - Day 3

The office needs to be done. No two ways about it. So today was dedicated to a lot of the prep to prepare the floor for the new office and start the prep for the painting as well.

Here is where we started. Osiris doesn't know what is going on.

Here is the floor, which is the real problem for the office. Most of the other elements we can adjust as we need to, but we can't put the furniture in this space until the floors are done. That means no linoleum, new floor sound proofing, and new tile.

So, no time to waste. The linoleum pulls up pretty easily. That's great, considering that we have little time to get this project done before the new bedroom furniture arrives and the office has to move upstairs to this space. (Keep in mind, this stage actually happened a while ago, about a month as of this writing. So, I know more than you do.) :)

Once the linoleum was pulled up, SPF scraped the remaining glue off of the floor to prepare the subfloor for a clean, flat surface for the next stage of the project.

These images make this look easier than this was. A lot easier. In fact, this was a huge time consumer. SPF tried lots of different methods to find the best way to remove the glue without splintering the subfloor or creating other problems with the wood. We already have to deal with some squeaks in the floor, but we don't want to have to replace the plywood as well as the rest of the floor.

When it is done, though, the floor survived and SPF did too!!!

Now that the floor is prepped for part 2, the walls need some primer for the new, brighter paint color. The walls have dried completely with the new joint compound, so they are ready for the white primer. The color for the walls is going to be light, so the light primer is important here.

At the end of the day, the I did the remaining edge work with the primer after SPF put up the painter's tape to protect the new doors. (Newish. Look to previous blogs to see the change in doors and windows.) Yet another step closer to getting the office done!!

And then they waited, and waited, and waited for the next step. Due to a wedding, some other travel, and the in-laws delivering the new furniture, we were at a stopping point for a while. Too much of a while. Stay tuned.


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