So, A Lot of You Have Been Asking Me About School
It is hard work. We have two assignment assigned and due next week. We also have three research papers to research and write. I spent the entire day in the darkroom today. I developed my first negatives since college and found out that I really suck. Learned a lot, though. I learned that when everyone gets fix from the same container and no one has any issues with it, my negatives won't fix. Maybe it is alphabetical discrimination. Maybe God is mad that I was mad that I didn't get any sleep. Maybe I am just plum unlucky. I haven't been able to figure out why, with no variable differences, everyone else succeeded where I failed. Luckily for me, this place is bursting with a plethora of brilliant photographers and I was told of a trick to salvage my images.
No reason to do so, apparently, because they were all out of focus. All of them. I have no idea what happened, but I now have to reshoot my first assignment and I haven't even started on the second assignment. I know that my eyes suck, but this is very frustrating. I have one quasi focused image. I am hoping to get at least one more so that I have something to turn in for the first assignment. As long as I get it in on time, I can reshoot.
Beyond that I have written two of the research papers and one extra credit paper because I am starting to think that I will need all of the extraneous help that I can get. The first critique is going to be horrendous. I dread it with every fiber of my being. Tomorrow I am going reshooting, then to class, then reshooting, then to the darkroom to develop the reshoots and hopefully at that point I will have at least one image that is truly presentable. I don't want to fail the first assignment. Talk about a confidence Death Star.
That was depressing. When I did a spell check on this blog it came up with "reshoot," "reshoot," "reshooting," and "reshoots."
I think there is a message here.
Be strong... If I was writing a screenplay about a girl going to photography school, I would have her struggle to get her first assignment complete so that by the time she graduates with an AMAZING portfolio, there was a longer journey for her to take and it was that much more rewarding.
Just saying...
Wait, so does this mean that I am not going to have my rewarding journey? I want the journey!!
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