Monday, August 10, 2015

New Floors - Day 2

This is going to be a boring post, but I want you to know the work that actually goes into something like this rather than just the "souffle" method.  (You know, like on those cooking shows when the chef mixes up all the stuff and plops it in a dish and then "puts it in the oven" only to then show you the one that they've been painstakingly maintaining for the last six hours?  Yeah, that method.)

So, New Floors - Day 2 pretty much involves list items.
1. Get the piano cleared off and ready to move.
2. Clear a path for the piano.
3. Empty the entertainment center and get it ready to move.
4. Move rugs and tables and books and toys.
5. Move the boxes of records next to the banister.  (We aren't pack rats, we actually listen to records.  You should try it.)
6. Take all pictures off of walls.  (This was requested.  I suppose they might inadvertently knock something off the walls?  No problem.  I can do that.)

All of the above said stuff took a while.

Here are some pictures, but not all actions have been presented here.  (I tried.)

Strange little house now, huh?

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