Thursday, July 03, 2008

Oh, We Did Make It, By the Way

Just thought that I would let you all know that we did make it back to San Diego. It was a harrowing, early morning trek. Up at 3:30 in the morning, out the door by 4:15 to catch the 24 hour shuttle that left the hotel on the hour and half hour. Turns out, the 4:30 am shuttle is very popular. When we got there it was already full and he was racing out the door to drop the first load off and come back for us. Turns out, the second load was full, as well. Partially because one couple had fourteen bags (I am not exaggerating, I counted as they put them in the van) and partially because the couple themselves were...of generous proportion. Might actually explain why they had 14 bags. I think they may have also had a little old woman with them, but I am not certain. It was early.

The airport was fun. The "random" search process curiously decided that we were both suspect (randomly, of course) and we had to be thoroughly inspected with all elements of our bags taken apart, opened, and every crevice turned out and evaluated. This would normally not have been an issue except for the fact that I carry on my camera bag. Which has a meter bag inside of it. And a CF card holder. And an SB800 flash bag, a gel bag, a lens bag, battery holders, cord bags, and about forty pockets. We were into that evaluation for thirty minutes. They were as frustrated as we were, though both sides either sat patiently or drudged through the routine with tenacity. I was surprised that the security line was so long so very, very early in the morning. But, we made it to the gate, onto the plane, and eventually to Salt Lake and then to here. We did the math and determined that missing that flight cost us over $400.00. Sigh. Not the best of trip enders, but overall we had such a lovely time that I choose to remember the good, and not only the bad ending. Because you can always find the negative at the end, be it going back to work, or getting little sleep the last night, or the frustrations of travel; but why on earth would you want to do that? We had tremendous fun, and so I shall remember that.

We didn't spend the night in a crappy hotel in Seattle...we didn't spend the night in a crappy hotel in Seattle...we didn't spend the night in a crappy hotel in Seattle...


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